Sample Agenda Form: Family Meeting Agenda
Date_____________ Time___________ First:**Announcements/Compliments** Then: Things to Talk About: 1. 2. 3. Facilitator ______________________ Recorder _______________________ Refreshments ___________________ For print-friendly copy…
Friends from “our” Peace Corps village in Karnataka, India, make our going back there a celebration. Oh, don’t get me…
How Living In India Impacted a Book About War
Published in KODAI, A Class News Magazine for Alumni and Friends of Kodaikanal International School, Tamil Nadu, India, 2016/2017. ©…
Lessons from A Duck
We returned from a conference to find heavy rains had left so much flooding at home. Wayne and I, and…
This I Believe
I believe in wonder and in wondering – amazement and curiosity, astonishment and inquisitiveness. I believe that wonder, with its…
Courageous Conversations
I believe courageous conversations about our nation’s habit of violence are desperately needed. Last weekend’s news (Sept. 30 – Oct….
You’ve Got to Do What You’ve Got to Do
I hate making a fool of myself. It feels bad. For quite a while. I find myself re-running the incident…